Policies and Procedures

  1. Only one person from each category or classification is permitted to join Plymouth Business Network. If a category conflict of interest should 
  2. occur the existing category member’s approval will be sought before the application can be processed. 
  3. Memberships may be cancelled/suspended for failure to adhere/comply with the policies, procedures and the code of practice of the Plymouth 
  4. Business Network. 
  5. Members must not invite guests from another trade or profession in a category already represented within the network group unless sanctioned 
  6. by the member affected. 
  7. Members may invite the same guest up to 3 times in any 6 month period this may only be waived by the membership committee. 
  8. Members are expected to make contributions by way of bringing visitors, referrals or testimonials to meetings. 
  9. Visitors are allowed to present their business in the 60-second presentations and to take part in the giving and receiving of referrals to club members 
  10. and other visitors. Members may appoint a substitute to represent their company if not available to attend. 
  11. Weekly meetings start at 7.00 am and run to 8.30 am. Members are asked to arrive 10 minutes before to book in and stay for the entire meeting. 
  12. Members are expected to attend 1 out of 2 meetings in a calendar month or send a substitute.  
  13. The membership committee reserve the right to ask a member to leave/resign from the club if complaints are received from other members of the club about unacceptable attendance, bad service, poor quality of product/service or inappropriate behaviour towards members and visitors. 
  14. Members who wish to change their classification/category will have to submit a new application to the membership committee. 
  15. The chairman and one admin staff are exempt monthly subscriptions throughout their term for the time and effort involved in running the club. 
  16. Membership fees are not refundable in all circumstances. 
  17. All new members are to complete an application form with a signed copy of the policies and procedures.
  18. Membership categories will be classed as vacant if the monthly membership fee is not paid by the last working day of the month. 
  19. The policies and procedures will be updated and maintained on the PBN website www.plymouthbusinessnetwork.co.uk: this will be the master 
  20. copy and will take precedence over all printed copies. 


  1. Members agree to follow up received referrals within 7 working days. 
  2. Members agree to keep all professional qualifications required in the category applied for current during their tenure. 
  3. All members agree to abide by all of the policies and procedures set out on the Plymouth Business Network website and to conduct themselves in a professional manner. 
  4. Members agree to provide services at the prices quoted/agreed and complete work/services to the best of their ability. 
  5. Members agree that if a complaint is made about the quality/standard of work/services provided the member agrees to rectify the problem at no extra charge to the client. 
  6. Members agree not to pass or disclose personal and confidential information received by members to third parties. 
  7. All members agree that if they miss 4 consecutive meetings that the membership committee can terminate the membership of Plymouth Business Network immediately without any refund.


  1. Monthly members meeting cost £30.00 this includes a continental or full English breakfast.
  2. (Insert) Weekly meeting cost for visitors £15.00 this includes a continental or full English breakfast to be paid in advance no refunds for non-attendance. (max attendance as visitor 3 times in a 6 month period)